Thursday, June 27, 2013

Endermologie: Can It Massage Away Cellulite?

On the surface, it seems innocent enough. Use Endermologie to massage your muscles, improve circulation, and benefit your lymphs. And as a result, (supposedly) you will lose cellulite. But wait!

Does the punishment fit the crime?

Does the treatment really address the underlying causes of cellulite? The answer may surprise you…

Deep tissue massages have a lot of beneficial effects. For an athlete it’s a way to manipulate the muscles to help with recovery or healing. For someone who is chronically tense and experiences tightness in the neck, back and shoulder, a deep tissue massage may help loosen things up.

The Burning Question

But the burning question is: Can the deep tissue massage replicated with Endermologie be effective when you want to get rid of cellulite?

This FDA approved machine, along with the fact that it’s fully embraced by the beauty industry, can lead you to accept the hard-to-believe claims for cellulite reduction. So, let’s find out more.

Endermologie for Cellulite Treatment Is FDA Approved? Hmmm… Really?

First of all, it’s important to understand what exactly the FDA approved in regards to Endermologie. In their enthusiasm for a cure for cellulite, some companies may misunderstand what was authorized by the FDA and fail to include the word “temporary” in their claims related to cellulite reduction.

Endermologie device

endermologie device


The device currently used with Endermologie has been improved since its initial filing in the types of heads available, the name of the device, and the addition to the claims for cellulite.

In their approvals the FDA stated Endermologie could be marketed for therapeutic and cosmetic uses as follows:

- Reduction of Secondary Lymphederma of the Arm (SLA) Post Mastectomy

- Improvement of Secondary Lymphedema

- Improvement of lymphatic circulation in the treated area

- Relieves minor muscles aches and pains

- Relieves muscle spasm

- Temporarily improves local blood circulation

- Relieves minor muscle aches and pains, relieves pains, relieves muscle spasm and improves local circulation during burn rehabilitation
- Temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite

What started as a treatment for recovering burn victims, blossomed into a love child of the lucrative cosmetic industry. Like other inventions, a “side effect” was noticed in regards to the look of a person’s skin undergoing treatment.

Temporary Results – Maybe.

It’s very clear from the language in the FDA approval that any improvement for the treatment of cellulite must be listed as “temporary reduces the appearance of cellulite”. As much as we would like to believe, there are no facts to back up any claim of a permanent cure for cellulite by using the deep tissue massage of Endermologie.

Even sneakier is how some of the ads for Endermologie use camera tricks to fool women into thinking it works. Take a look at the photo below. There is one key difference between the two photos. The angle of the lights.

lighting trick for endermologie advertisement

Lighting Trick for Endermologie Advertisement


1 Sneaky Trick Used in Endermologie Advertisements

See, on the left, the light is shining from above and this creates a shadowing effect on the skin, where any bumps, dimples or dents become easily visible. You can tell where the light is coming from by the larger shadows just below the butt.

In the supposed “after” photo on the right – the light is being shined on the body area from DIRECTLY BEHIND the woman. Since the light is being shined directly at the body there is no shadowing effect and hence hardly any appearance of the bumps and dimples known as cellulite.

Sad, But True… So Why Doesn’t It Work?

So let’s talk about what a deep tissue massage does, the basis of Endermologie, so that you can understand why it’s not effective as a permanent solution to cellulite.

When a muscle is tense, or has been injured, adhesions form in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These adhesions are hardened tissue that can block circulation, cause pain, restrict movement and cause inflammation. The deep tissue massage breaks down that tissue and loosens things up.

However, the cause of cellulite is not adhesions, or blocked circulation, or inflammation as some believe. Cellulite is the result of un-toned muscles which are not firm or strong enough to properly support the skin and subcutaneous fat layers which lie directly on top of them.

With Firm Support Behind the Skin Your Problem Is Solved

To get rid of cellulite, those muscles and connective tissue do NOT need to be broken down through a procedure such as Endermologie. Instead, those specific muscles need to be toned and strengthened so they can fully support your skin and fat layers.

When the skin and fat layers have firmly toned muscles pushing gently outward against them – the skin gets much smoother and tighter. And you end up with the results you’ve been searching for; which is permanent cellulite removal for skin you feel super-happy about and extremely confident in.

What Type of Specific Exercise Does Get Rid of Cellulite?

“Exercise” in general does not reverse the cause of cellulite. While most traditional fitness routines are great for overall conditioning and health purposes – the specific approach for getting rid of lower body cellulite involves a very specific and targeted method of anti cellulite exercise.

The beauty of this approach is the routine can be done in about 22 minutes in the privacy of your own home with a floor mat and a pantry step, a basic step box or a staircase.

Stimulate Them With Form, Tempo, Sequence

Remember, there are 90 muscles in your lower-body. When they are all stimulated properly, they get toned and firm – and because of that they push outward against the skin in your trouble zones and problem spots – giving you the skin smoothing effect by enhancing your body’s structural physiology.

No lies, no tricks, no smoke and mirrors, no play on words. Just the truth you need in order to get what you deserve.

Recent Naked Beauty/SYMULAST FAQ’s

1 – You can order and access your program from any country – as it is presented to you via private online access. As a client – you’ll have access for life.

2 – Nothing gets shipped as your program is hosted on a secure and private area of this website. You’ll get a login link and a private password.

3 – This is a one-time payment. That’s it.

4 – You’ll have the option to get the DVD and book combo upgrade in a few weeks as we have many happy clients requesting those. All clients get the DVD and book version at a very deep discount, only if you want it.

5 – I understand why most women do not want to publicly share their “Before and After” cellulite story and photos. No problem – however, if you wish to do so, I would be extremely excited and would welcome the opportunity to share your success story so we can help other women experience the same success by showing the “the proof”. Welcomed but not mandatory.

6 – If you’d rather watch the video presentation again – before you decide to become a client – then you can watch that here: Cellulite Reduction Video

Stay tuned for more – or better yet, come join me and the rest of the ladies who are following my program…

We’d love to have you and see you reach your “best body” goals.

- Joey Atlas
Womens Body Enhancement Specialist

PS – Just in case you missed the previous article on Mesotherapy – here it is: Mesotherapy

And here is the article on Velashape Reviews and Complaints: VelaShape

Endermologie: Can It Massage Away Cellulite?

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